Jan 1Liked by 2wicebitten

Hi, I'm new to Substack and generally writing/reading at all and found your page looking through raine's comment section looking for random writers and I just wanted you to know that I really enjoy your writing and reading this! There are so many things I related to reading this. I am from Chicago but am currently living in the central coast of California for school and ever since I left a couple years ago, my love and almost patriotism for my hometown has grown immeasurably, and yet I can't say I've really explored it at all. I just know that every time I see the city lights flying back and I walk outside and feel the piercing, yet comfortable cold wind, I feel so at home that I could cry. I love that you know and can pick out specific things about San Francisco that you love. I really saw myself in Chicago in the way that you described SF. I've been once, but I'll have to visit again soon before I leave. Also this quote was very beautiful and relatable: "i think what i was getting at is that i just relish so much stepping into these worlds where i can find myself belonging, where i see my people, and where endless exploration of a city means endless exploration of myself." Also, have so much fun in Italy, I hope you enjoy your visit and find some joy in it :)

I agree about the idea that new years' resolutions are almost a fluke if you haven't been working on that stuff prior to the new year, because the new year is literally just what it is, a new year, and while that feels new and shiny, it's just another day unless you're committed to actually changing. That's something I realized this year, and ever since realizing that time is very much a construct, 2024 doesn't seem new at all. That being said, I do have some "resolutions," but I'd rather call them intentions and they are more so goals that I've had for a bit.

Also, for the first time starting a couple days ago, it has been easier for me to write digitally than with pen and paper. Where it used to feel tiring to write staring at a screen, lately I've found it oddly liberating and more cathartic than pen and paper when it used to be the other way around. Also, sorry if this sounds like a Canvas discussion post, I've never written a comment before-- I'm trying to consume content more mindfully! Wish you the best of luck with your goals and have a happy new year!!

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hi! wow, thank you for the comment! it’s definitely not like a canvas discussion post, or if it is, it’s not in a bad way-- my favorite thing is reading peoples’ responses to me. i feel inspired to consume content more mindfully, and in particular to leave more thoughtful responses on substack posts that i read.

the thing about feeling more comfortable typing than writing is something i honestly feel guilty about? and i can’t figure out why. even though my thoughts flow so much better, probably since i’m able to get them out at a quicker pace. but at the same time it feels less genuine in a way? idk.

anyway thank you again for the comment! i’m responding late but happy new year :) also, with the way you briefly wrote about chicago i feel like u could publish a little bit of writing about it on here 👀

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Jan 2Liked by 2wicebitten

Would lovee to see a youtube channel or any more content surrounding books! I’ve never really loved resolutions for myself but I decided to make some this year, my biggest goal is getting into a healthy routine of allowing art to accompany my everyday life. I feel like I’m either over-consuming like 15 films in a week and remembering none or screaming at myself for not reading all the books I’ve been dying to read. So this year I want to learn a healthy balance, take the time to really think about each film I watch, discover new musicians and pick up a book daily even if it’s only a few pages :p

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i love that goal, i definitely relate to that struggle of finding a middle ground. also i do think i am gonna start a youtube channel very soon so i’ll probably post an announcement or whatever on here when that happens 👍

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Jan 1Liked by 2wicebitten

heavy on the idea of places where you see yourself belonging, i feel that way about santa barbara. love this post

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Random thoughts are fine - organisation can come later!

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