i have decided to start writing/blogging. (is substack a place to blog? if not, i don’t care and i will continue to act like it is.) although i already constantly write out endless amounts of futile thoughts in the grubby periwinkle journal that i refuse to leave the house without, i have concluded that i want to spatter these thoughts into the eternally expanding black hole that is the internet. why? I don’t know. i have grown to basically despise most aspects of the internet and the cultures that it has created. a blog/newsletter, however, is a more simple and primitive form of the internet that I can indulge in, and actually enjoy doing so. i recently read Girls Against God by Jenny Hval and i believe that my starting this might have been a bit inspired by that book. she talks about how the internet is “no longer a mystical dimension but rhythmic imitation of life” and she experimentally expresses the many aspects and functions of the internet. i like the idea of sending these words into this realm of digital space time. most likely, not a single soul will be reading my words. i don’t expect anyone to. maybe that’s exactly what i love about the idea of doing this: i’m putting these words out into the public, but they are still completely private. there’s a level of mischief and lighthearted danger that i get to experience by doing this. no one will read it, but someone could.
i’m not sure what i’ll be writing about. whatever i feel like, i guess. i cannot promise that any of it will be even remotely good. in fact, i know that none of it will be good, at least at first. but this is how i can start, and, hopefully, get better. i enjoy the process of typing out the swirling thoughts and feelings in my head, of finding the exact right words to express what exists in the abstracts of my mind. frankly, i need to get many of those thoughts out so that i am not suffocated by them.
many of the things i’ll be writing about will probably be related to the books i read, the movies i watch, the music i listen to, the moments in life and culture (especially internet culture) that I witness or experience, and more. hope U enjoy. (…who are U?)
with love and hate,
aka harlow
hey i stumbled across your substack and im really curious, what’s your goodreads? i enjoy your book reviews :)